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Tips, Tools, & Insights
to be a Leader in Your Niche


A book for everyone in the workforce today!

This book is a must read for professionals who are searching for leadership strategies and innovative models through three pillars of

Self Discovery,

Change Readiness, and Sustainable Impact.

The Co-Authors



As you read this book, you will begin to gain an understanding of how you can navigate through a myriad of contexts. The authors openly share their life growth through their experiences. In reading how their lives were shaped through lifespan development and work influences, I hope you will utilize their tips, tools, and insights for decision-making.


You will see that this book is intentionally designed to assist you through self-discovery, change, and impact that can lead to a positive change and supports continuous learning.


Shawn E. Boynes, CEO, American Counseling Association

Image by Augustine Wong

The Authors' Note

"Activate Success: Tips, Tools, & Insights To Be A Leader In Your Niche" offers experienced and unversed leaders novel approaches which build momentum on their journey through three pillars:

I. Self-discovery

II. Change readiness

III. Sustainable impact

The first pillar invites leaders to answer four Essential Questions thereby gaining self-awareness and revealing clarity in their true leadership potential at work and personal life.

The second pillar supports leaders to navigate barriers and to change complexities through collaborative choices.

And the third pillar provides leaders with strategies to embrace continuous improvement and high performance.

To Become a Successful Leader 

Along with these pillars, we also provide you with twenty-seven activators which can help you attain success. Having commitment and perseverance to these activators will help you to understand that continuous improvement and self-discovery is the first step to planning your successful life.   

You will have to be the skillful catalyst for your leadership. From there, you can impact others momentously by prompting their potential. As the body needs enzymes to act as activators to cause chemical reactions to occur, your mind also needs mental catalysts to activate success. At the top of each chapter, there are two specific activators, helpful in getting started. We provide you with twenty-seven activators which can help you attain leadership and life success. 

Workplace success can be marked by conscious leaders who are people-centered, have diverse strategic visions, and a commitment to equitable best practices. We have also identified and shared how transformative leadership can readily foster a culture of collaboration and cooperation. At the same time through activated success, certainly illustrates how a global-centered leader can communicate effectively within a myriad of cultures and customs. 

Leadership Readiness Model

The three points of the Ives-Horton Leadership Readiness Model™ illustrates the three pillars of leadership.  Within this operative pyramid is the four questions of Success Action:

  • Who am I?

  • Where am I going?

  • How do I get there?

  • How do I stay there?


Your Workbook

"This book is very close to being a textbook and one I know you will want to keep available and refer to regularly. Sujata and Sandy have certainly created an amazing book but they just couldn't stop there!  They furthered their Activation Success book with a precisely targeted WORKBOOK for you! This additional handbook provides space to record your personal replies to their exquisite questions".   — Gary  




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